Friday, March 15, 2013

White Spot - what are they and what can I do to try and prevent them?

There are multiple reasons that some people have white spots on the enamel of their teeth. The white spot lesions that we see in orthodontics can be caused over a period of time and are the result of incomplete removal of plaque after brushing the teeth, in combination with a high sugar content diet. Incomplete removal of plaque leaves bacteria lurking around the brackets. These bacteria create an acid that essentially removes the minerals from the teeth and leave behind a white spot.  This process is called decalcification. The sad part is that when the braces are removed, the white spots will remain and you can see exactly where the braces were on the teeth.
So, what can you do to try and prevent white spot lesions during your orthodontic treatment?
BRUSH! BRUSH! BRUSH!! We recently partnered with Oral B and have implemented the Oral B Ortho Essentials Program. Dr. Becky and Dr. Tamara's goal is to obtain a beautiful, HEALTHY smile after orthodontic treatment. We have only been using this program for a few months but we have seen a HUGE impact of providing informative oral hygiene instructions as well as an awesome electric toothbrush! We monitor our patient's oral hygiene at each visit and provide a card with feedback to the patients and parents about brushing since the past visit.  Also, try and reduce the sugar content in your diet. Remember, most sports drinks are LOADED with sugar.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, nice post.Well what can I say is that these is an interesting and very informative topic. Thanks for sharing. Cheers!

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